Germinate Cannabis Seeds
Step 1: Put your seeds in bottled spring water at a comfy temperature.
- Set a timer and soak the seeds for 14 to 18 hours, but don’t go over that time to avoid harming them.
- Remember, it’s important to move on to the next step, no matter how the seeds look after soaking.
Step 2: Place two thick paper towels on a ceramic dinner plate.
Step 3: After pouring out the water and seeds onto the paper towels, fold the paper towels over the seeds, similar to folding a burrito.
- Make sure not to cover the plate with anything and dispose of any excess water.
- Remember, seeds need heat, water, and air to thrive and grow successfully.
Step 4: Put the plate in a warm, dark, and airy room with a temperature between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the paper towels moist by adding water regularly, but don’t drown the seeds.
Avoid placing them in tight, enclosed spaces like cupboards or drawers, as this can hinder their sprouting. Seeds need oxygen to germinate successfully.
Transfer them to regular soil once they have a taproot measuring 1/2 to 3/4 inches long and have split open.
*Remember, each strain may take between 2 and 7 days to split open.
For long-term storage lasting up to two years, store the seeds in a glass jar with a tight lid at a temperature of 41 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the jar in a dark, cool place like a garage or basement.
Once your seedling’s main root grows to about 1/2 inch (2 cm) long, it’s time to transplant it into a new medium, such as soil. Avoid using any nutrients or fertilizers during the first three weeks, as the seedlings are delicate and vulnerable during this period.
To transplant, create a small hole in the soil using your finger and place the seedling in it with the taproot facing downwards. Gently cover it with soil and provide it with a light source, either natural sunlight or artificial light. Lightly water the soil and allow the seedling to thrive on its own.